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Thursday, 7 July 2011


The safe way to conceive can be very easy for some couples, while others will find it can take a while, even years before she gets pregnant. There are many reasons that can decide a successful conception, knowing and understanding a few basic ideas, using common sense, can make things so much easier. If you really whole heatedly want to have a child, here are some interesting things to know.


1. FOR HER - Knowing Your Monthly Cycle - is important. An easy way to improve your chances of becoming pregnant is to know and understand how your monthly menstrual cycle works,    all woman are different, and in some cases, each cycle is different. When you feel you really want to conceive, take some time to recognize and chart your menstrual cycle from the beginning to the end. Keep a good record of the beginning of your menstrual period and the moment when you ovulate.
This important information will help guide you on your first moment of fertilization and when you should be active in sexual intercourse. It probably will not be romantic, but if you really want to conceive, this is your chance to take advantage of this beautiful opportunity, as it is there.

2. Predict Your Monthly Ovulation. In order to find that window of opportunity, you have to know when you ovulate. There is a period of five days within each cycle that you are at your most fertile. The three days preceeding ovulation and the day following ovulation. Once you know when this occurs, you can greatly increase the likelihood of fertilization.
Remember that once an egg is released from an ovary, it only has a period of 24 hours when it remains viable. It is vital to make sure that you are having intercourse as close to the date that you ovulate as possible. While you can become pregnant at any time during those five days, it is best to try to time your ovulation and intercourse as closely as possible.
3. Get Healthy Ahead of Time. In order to be at your most fertile, you need to take care of yourself. Start taking prenatal vitamins ahead of time and have yourself looked over by a doctor. If you have noticed any irregularities with your monthly cycles, talk to them about it now. If you have questions about ovulation or learning more about your body, it is important to have these questions answered ahead of time.
Get plenty of rest and practice a healthy lifestyle. Try to remove stress from your life and take good care of your body. You'll be asking it to undergo a great task over the next nine months and you owe it to yourself and your future child to be as healthy as possible.
Successful conception doesn't have to be difficult. Although it can take a healthy couple a year to conceive naturally, by paying attention to this advice, you can increase your chances of becoming pregnant in less time. Remember, if you don't conceive right away, don't get disheartened. Just keep trying and barring any fertility issues you should be able to conceive a happy and healthy baby.